University of Samsun was founded in 2018 as a state university in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Currently, it has 6 faculties, 1 college and 1 vocational school, and aims to be a continuously developing and producing university in Turkey and worldwide by increasing the scientific effectiveness and productivity of students and research staff in both national and international areas. Therefore, internationalization is one of the main strategies of our University as underlined in the “The University Strategic Plan”.
University of Samsun has 3 campuses: The Ballıca Campus (also named as Aerospace Campus) is a seaside campus and in the neighborhood of “Kızılırmak Bird Sanctuary” protected by the Ramsar Convention. It consists of Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Faculty of Engineering, School of Civil Aviation, UZAYTEM (Flight Training Organization, maintenance organization, maintenance training organization). The Canik Campus mainly consists of academic units regarding the social sciences. It is a city-view campus that includes the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, having 13 departments.
University of Samsun has five faculties (Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Architecture and Design and Faculty of Medicine), one college (first cycle, School of Civil Aviation), one short cycle vocational school (Kavak Vocational School), and one Research Center, and aims to be an ever-growing and innovative university in Turkey and worldwide.
The Kavak Campus consists of Kavak Vocational School which includes 4 departments with variety of programs. University of Samsun gives great importance to science, education and research and aims to take place among the significant and large universities of Turkey. The University also aims to satisfy all the needs of a student in terms of professional training and other social needs; such as accommodation, health service, nutrition, cultural, social and sport activities etc.